Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Recipe #2: Ridiculously Easy Cranberry Pork Roast

First of all let me apologize for my significant lack of posting over the last couple of weeks. Time has flown by and gotten away from me. The recipes have been made, so I have kept up with that half of the blog. Now to finish what I have started. I began this post a few weeks back and am now finishing it (along with the others).

Through the chaotic whirlwind that was my weekend, I have failed to post about the masterpiece that turned out to be my second recipe. Now that Fall is underway, I've proclaimed it to be Crock pot season in my apartment. My ancient Crockery Cookery book will be my best friend in this celebration of sorts.
While I was flipping through it last Wednesday night, all the recipes were capturing my attention until I stopped at one I could not resist! Cranberry Pork Roast! My mouth literally watered at the thought! ( I'll admit, Autumn Pork Chops almost tied and will likely be made this week or next!)
The ingredients could not have been more straightforward. Pork loin roast, check! Cranberries, spices, honey! Triple check! Then all I had to do was dump it all in the crock pot, done!

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